Luglio 2015: Annunciati Nuovi Servizi

Il lavoro su Microsoft Azure procede a ritmo serrato ed ogni mese viene annunciata una novità. Luglio non fa eccezione e per questo mese ci troviamo nuovi strumenti e relative modifiche ai prezzi al pubblico. Ecco le novità:


Azure Data Catalog in Public Preview
Azure Data Catalog is a fully managed service in Azure and an enterprise-wide metadata catalog that enables self-service data source discovery. Data Catalog stores, describes, indexes, and provides information on how to access any registered data source and makes data source discovery trivial. It facilitates collaboration and is designed to help close the gap between those who seek information and those who create it.

Azure Data Catalog sarà disponibile in modalità Free e Standard. La Standard edition costerà € 37.24/100 user al mese.


Premium Encoding for Azure Media Services Generally Available 


New Regions for Azure Search Generally Available  
Il servizio è ora disponibile anche nelle seguenti region: Brazil South, Australia East e Japan West.


Apache Spark for Azure HDInsight in Public Preview 
Apache Spark for Azure HDInsight provides a fast and easy way to run interactive data analysis on large datasets. Spark is an open source project in the Apache ecosystem that can run large-scale data analytic applications in memory. This allows Spark to deliver queries up to 100 times faster than traditional big data solutions, along with a common execution model for various tasks like extract-transform-load (ETL) processes, batch queries, interactive queries, real-time streaming, machine learning, and graph processing on data stored in Azure Storage. The Azure cloud helps make Spark deployment easy and cost effective, with no hardware to buy and no software to configure. Plus Spark is integrated with popular third-party business intelligence (BI) tools like Microsoft Power BI, as well as open source notebooks.


Azure Batch Generally Available


Azure Site Recovery for VMware and Physical Servers Generally Available


XS SLES Basic Edition for Azure Virtual Machines Price Increase
Dal 1° Settembre, il presso delle immagini XS SLES subirà un aumento di prezzo.


Azure Support for Linux RDMA


HPC Pack support for Linux