AzureCon 2015 Storage Recap

Nella giornata di ieri si è svolta la AzureCon 2015, la conferenza dedicata a Microsoft Azure, dove sono state annunciate diverse novità relative alla piattaforma. Ecco un riassunto di cosa ci aspetta:


Azure File Storage general availability

  • Support of SMB 3.0 – Increased file share availability and the ability to mount file shares from anywhere (Azure or on-premises).
  • New File Explorer functionality in Azure Portal – New UI for managing shares, including the ability to upload and download files to/from Azure File Storage and much more.
  • Metrics for Diagnostic – Enable Storage Analytics for Azure File Storage.

Please read the Azure File Storage GA announcement blog post to learn more. New to Azure File Storage? Look at How to use Azure File Storage to get started.

Azure SRP (Storage Resource Provider) enhancements

  • Get Operations – Displays the list of available SRP operations.
  • Get Usage – Displays the number of accounts created by a subscription and the max number of accounts that can be created (100).

Please refer to our Azure SRP Enhancements blog to learn more. You can read up on all of the SRP REST APIs by visiting our Azure SRP reference documentation.

New SAS capabilities

  • Storage Account SAS – Storage Account SAS will deliver full parity with storage account keys – providing a more secure alternative to delegating access to storage users than storage account keys provide. Account SAS functionalities are being rolled out in two phases – with the first phase enabling full Blob and File access including management of blob containers and File shares. The second phase will complete the Account SAS capabilities with Queues and Table support being available in the next two months.
  • Protocol SAS – Tokens of account level or service level SAS can now be restricted to HTTPS only.
  • IP Restricted SAS – A SAS token can now specify a single IP or range enabling you to restrict access to specific IP addresses. Requests originating from outside that address or range will fail.

With these improvements, SAS should meet the needs of developers and administrators in a wider array of scenarios, significantly reducing the need to use the account’s Shared Key. Refer to our Shared Access Signatures documentation to learn more about these new SAS capabilities.

Premium Storage improvements

  • Copy a blob snapshot from a premium storage account to more cost effective standard blob storage.
  • Restore a previously saved blob by promoting a blob snapshot to a base blob.

Azure Import/Export in new regions