Azure File Sync v11.1

Azure File Sync

Nuovo aggiornamento per l’agent di Azure File Sync, che arrivato alla versione 11.1, rilasciato in modalità Flighting. Flighting significa che il rilascio viene offerto prima a un numero limitato di server e successivamente si espande gradualmente a più server.

Questo articolo contiene le novità rilasciate in questa nuova build:

  • New cloud tiering modes to control initial download and proactive recall
    • Initial download mode: you can now choose how you want your files to be initially downloaded onto your new server endpoint. Want all your files tiered or as many files as possible downloaded onto your server by last modified timestamp? You can do that! Can’t use cloud tiering? You can now opt to avoid tiered files on your system. To learn more, see Create a server endpoint section in the Deploy Azure File Sync documentation.
    • Proactive recall mode: whenever a file is created or modified, you can proactively recall it to servers that you specify within the same sync group. This makes the file readily available for consumption in each server you specified. Have teams across the globe working on the same data? Enable proactive recalling so that when the team arrives the next morning, all the files updated by a team in a different time zone are downloaded and ready to go! To learn more, see Proactively recall new and changed files from an Azure file share section in the Deploy Azure File Sync documentation.
  • Exclude applications from cloud tiering last access time tracking
    • You can now exclude applications from last access time tracking. When an application accesses a file, the last access time for the file is updated in the cloud tiering database. Applications that scan the file system like anti-virus cause all files to have the same last access time which impacts when files are tiered. For more details, see the release notes.
  • Miscellaneous performance and reliability improvements
    • Improved change detection performance to detect files that have changed in the Azure file share.
    • Improved sync upload performance.
    • Initial upload is now performed from a VSS snapshot which reduces per-item errors and sync session failures.
    • Sync reliability improvements for certain I/O patterns.
    • Fixed a bug to prevent the sync database from going back-in-time on failover clusters when a failover occurs.
    • Improved recall performance when accessing a tiered file.

Alcune note tecniche da tenere in considerazione in fase di aggiornamento:

  • L’update è disponibile per Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 e Windows Server 2019 che hanno a bordo l’agent Azure File Sync versione o superiore
  • La versione dell’agent installata è la
  • Durante l’operazione di update, potrebbe essere richiesto il riavvio della macchina

Get Started

L’aggiornamento di Azure File Sync v11.1 è attualmente rilasciato ai server configurati per ricevere gli update automatici ogni volta è disponibile una nuova versione. Una volta completata la fase di Flighting, l’aggiornamento sarà disponibile su Microsoft Update e Microsoft Download Center.

Le informazioni su come installare la patch si trovano all’interno della KB4539951.