Durante il fine settimana è stato rilasciato un aggiornamento minore relativo a Veeam Backup & Replication, che va ad introdurre delle novità ma anche a risolvere alcuni piccoli problemi. Ecco i miglioramenti presenti:
- PuTTy has been updated to version 0.80.
Malware Detection
- Malware detection based on file system activity analysis now creates a dedicated log file for each bulk file modification event to help you identify which files were removed or renamed.
- The location of the corresponding log file is now displayed directly in the session logs and the event details.
- Added the ability to quickly and conveniently exclude all extensions that caused false-positive malware detection events from future monitoring directly from the event properties dialog.
Note: Customers are advised to exclude extensions from monitoring only after verifying that a legitimate line of business application is producing the corresponding files. - The monitored malware extensions management dialog was updated with an inline search capability that looks up the extension to ensure the correct syntax is used when excluding extensions from monitoring.
Backup Infrastructure
- Hardened repository servers and other managed Linux servers that were initially registered by leveraging single-use credentials no longer require enabling SSH Server and providing SSH credentials to perform Veeam components upgrade.
Questi sono invece i problemi risolti:
- Storage-level corruption guard email reports ignore the status-based event filter in the Global Email notification settings.
- Scan Backup does not leverage system locale settings and instead always displays the restore point date in the dd/mm/yyyy format.
- A rare condition of high CPU usage by the CatalogDataService.
- For configuration databases migrated from Microsoft SQL to PostgreSQL, job reports fail to open with the error:invalid XML content
- Disk blocks backing the swap file (pagefile.sys) are not excluded from backup when the corresponding option is enabled.
- Backup jobs fail to process VMs from two or more datastores backed by IBM SVC or derivative storage with FlashCopy snapshots enabled.
- In rare circumstances, CDP policies may experience a data loss.
Cloud Director
- Performing an “Entire VM Restore” with the option “Restore to a new location, or with different settings” performs a restore over the original VM despite a new VM name and vApp being selected in the restore wizard.
- SureBackup jobs are prevented from starting by a Transaction Log Backup Job, causing them to fail with the error:Cannot start Surebackup job to the latest restore point as some linked jobs are still running
- SureBackup jobs using Hyper-V-based virtual labs fail to process agent backups, displaying the error:Exception of type ‘System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException’ was thrown
- SureBackup jobs fail to start for certain machines, causing the error:The virtual machine cannot be powered on because the number of virtual CPUs is not a multiple of the number of cores per socket configured in the virtual machine
Object Storage
- Creating an object storage repository using Azure Storage with an Entra ID using a certificate for credentials fails with the error:Failed to initialize Azure token requester client with certificate credentials
- Offloading backups to an object storage repository backed by IBM Cloud fails with the error:Unable to find the specified file
- After upgrading to Veeam Backup & Replication 12.1, File-to-Tape job with no inclusion file mask specified process no data, whereas such configuration was previously treated as an implicit *.* inclusion mask.
- A Tape Job attempting to re-use a tape media that has been recently marked as available to use due to expired media pool retention may fail with the following error:The range specified in the FOR loop cannot have a NULL value
- NDMP tape jobs are erroneously included in the warning about File-to-Tape jobs requiring a license.
- Upgrading to version 12.1 from 11a fails if a File-to-Tape or NAS Backup job contains a folder with an apostrophe ( ‘ ) symbol in its name.
Get Started
Potete scaricare l’ultimo aggiornamento al seguente link – KB4510: Release Information for Veeam Backup & Replication 12.1 and Updates
Andando nella sezione Help -> About, dovrete vedere la versione L’aggiornamento pesa 1.3GB ed a breve sarà inglobato nella ISO principale del setup.